
What is an Arrival?

Arrival connections define how entities enter the system to begin processing. Define arrivals by connecting an entity to an activity...

What is a Scheduled Arrival?

A scheduled arrival causes a quantity of entities to arrive at a storage or activity at set times such as...

What is a Daily Pattern Arrival?

A daily pattern arrival shows the rate at which entities arrive for different time periods during the day. Arrivals are...

What is a Periodic Arrival?

A periodic arrival causes entities to arrive at repeating time intervals. It is also useful for initializing inventory levels at...

How do I Batch Arrivals?

Arrivals in which two or more entities arrive together (i.e. the arrival quantity is greater than one) and are then batched...

What is a Continuous Arrival?

A continuous arrival causes entities to continuously feed the connected activity whenever processing capacity is available at the activity; any...

What is an Ordered Arrival?

An ordered arrival is used in connection with an order signal connection to place an order for more entities to...

How do I add Fixed Interval Arrivals?

Arrivals in which one or more entities arrive at fixed time intervals. Suggested Technique 1. Create the entity and the...

How do I add Random Interval Arrivals?

An average number of entities arrive randomly throughout a specified period. Useful in modeling situations where no specific pattern seems to...

How do I create Customer Arrival Patterns?

The arrival rate of customers fluctuates according to a daily pattern. Useful for modeling customer traffic with busy and slow...

Why am I Getting Entity Arrival Failures at the End of Simulation?

After the model has simulated the following prompt is displayed. Simulation Complete, Do you want to see the results?(NOTE: There...

What are Order Signals

An Order Signal is a connection from an activity or storage to an Ordered arrival or routing which notifies the...