What are Order Signals

An Order Signal is a connection from an activity or storage to an Ordered arrival or routing which notifies the arrival or routing to order or release additional entities. The signal is triggered by a drop in inventory level at the storage or activity input queue.

Order Signals route
Order Signals route

Reorder Level The level to which the storage or activity input queue must drop before signaling an order for more entities. Any expression is valid.

Order Quantity The quantity to order when an order is placed. Any expression is valid.

Place order at start Check if an initial order is to be placed at the beginning of the simulation run. If the initial order is insufficient to raise the queue or storage level above the reorder level, a Periodic arrival should be defined, in addition to the Ordered arrival, with its First time field set at time zero (0) to initialize the inventory level (see Periodic).

  • When an order signal is used to order entities at an arrival connection (the Order Signal is connected to an arrival connection), the arrival type must be Ordered . To learn more, see Ordered.
  • For ordering to continue, the inventory level must rise above the reorder point. If your system functions so that inventory trickles in and never allows the quantity to rise above the reorder point, another method of re-ordering entities must be used. For an alternate ordering method multiple capabilities in ProcessModel will be required. Continuous along with WAIT UNTIL.
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