
What is a Shift?

Weekly shifts and breaks for activities and resources are defined using the Shift editor and may start and end at...

What is Activity Shift?

Shift file The name of the shift file which defines the times when this activity can be performed. A default...

What is Resource Shift?

Shift file The name of the shift file which defines the times during which this resource is scheduled to be...

What is a Shift Assignment?

Once one or more shift files have been defined, resources and activities may be assigned to these shift schedules in...

How do I add Shifts & Breaks for Resources?

In situations where one or more resources are available during different shifts or time periods, it may be useful to reflect...

Why Does the Resource Remains Available After a Shift Ends?

If a break is defined at the end of the shift, the end of break signal occurs -after- the end...
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