Self Teaching Guide

Get Started with Self Teaching Guide

Getting Started The self-teaching guide is designed to walk you through a series of interesting lessons and exercises to help...

Lesson 1: Your First Model

Lesson 1: Your First Model Operating Parameters and Requirements In our first lesson, we will model a small call center....

Lesson 2: Replications and Distributions

Why Replications Distributions (which we will discuss later in this lesson) are a method used in ProcessModel to introduce randomness or...

Lesson 3: Entity Arrivals

Definition Entities are the things that move through your process. They include things like phone calls, patient’s, customer orders, raw materials,...

Lesson 4: Routings

Definitions Routings are lines that connect the locations (activities, storages, etc.) in the model. Ten different kinds of routings allow for...

Lesson 5: Attributes, Variables and Action Logic

Definitions Attributes Attributes are placeholders associated with an individual entity. Its value cannot be seen or changed by any other entity....

Lesson 6: Shifts

How They Work By assigning a shift to a resource or activity, you create a fixed block of time when...

Lesson 7: A More Complex Call Center

Our call center is quite simple. Though our next example is still fairly simple, let’s consider some additional issues such as...

Lesson 8: Model Building Techniques

There’s not a right way to build a model. Most problems can be approached from many different angles and use different...

Case Study 1: Analysis

Finding the Problem Although the model used in the case study wouldn’t be recommended for starting your own business, it is...

Case Study 2: Replications

Prove it If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a dynamic, moving picture worth? Let’s find out....

Case Study 3: Froedtert Hospital Improves ICU Care

Turning away Emergency Patients? Froedtert Hospital, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is the only ACS verified level 1 trauma center in southeastern Wisconsin....

Case Study 4: Nuclear Site Cleanup

Not Enough Throughput Washington Closure Hanford (WCH, LLC) won a contract with the Federal government to clean up low risk toxic...

Case Study 5: Customer Seating Optimization

Known Problem, Unknown Solution A popular and successful restaurant suffered from a well known, long standing problem (literally). We’ve all seen...

Appendix: Answers to Lesson Questions

Lesson 1 150 calls. 2 minutes. 50 calls. 25 minutes. Cycle time dropped from over 11 hours to under 40...