What is a Periodic Arrival?

A periodic arrival causes entities to arrive at repeating time intervals. It is also useful for initializing inventory levels at the beginning of the simulation. This is done by entering a time of zero (0) in the Repeat Every field.

Properties dialog entity arrivals periodic ProcessModel software

Repeat every The time between arrivals. Any expression excluding attributes is valid. A time value of zero (0) will cause only one entry for this arrival.

Quantity per arrival The number of entities that arrive after each time interval. Any expression excluding attributes is valid.

First time The time (relative to the beginning of the simulation) that the first arrival should occur. Use a time of zero (0) to initialize the model with entities at the beginning of the simulation.

 The maximum amount of time that can be entered in the First Time field of a Periodic arrival is 35,791 hours. If a larger value is entered, the arrival will occur as the simulation starts rather than at the designated time.

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