What is an Arrival?

Arrival connections define how entities enter the system to begin processing. Define arrivals by connecting an entity to an activity or storage and entering clarifying information in the properties dialog. The double-headed arrow identifies arrivals.

Create multiple arrivals from an entity to one or more activities.


The “Type” dropdown changes the type of arrival. Options Include:

  • Continuous     Always available
  • Daily Pattern  Different pattern for each day of the week
  • Ordered           Just-in-time, set the trigger to reorder
  • Periodic            Repeats on a set schedule
  • Scheduled       Define the time of each arrival

Additionally, see the model objects for arrivals.

  • What is a daily pattern model object                   Analyze raw data and automatically  create patterns
  • What is a scheduled arrival model object           Import arrival data with modifiers

There are two tabs common to all arrival dialogs: Action and Name.

Common Tabs


Assign custom behavior to a model when entities arrive in the model. In addition to the arrival information set in the General tab of the arrival properties dialog, assignment Assign custom behavior to a model when entities arrive. In addition to the arrival information set in the General tab of the arrival dialog, assignment statements and IF…THEN’s might use entity attributes, variables, and scenario parameters to enhance the arrival functionality.

Properties dialog entity arrivals action tab ProcessModel software

Action logic occurs at entity creation but before entering any activity. To learn more about Action Logic, see What is Action Logic?


The Name tab (shown below) allows you to define route names when you are linking hierarchical models. All arrival connections have a Name tab in their properties dialog. For more information, see Hierarchical Modeling.

Properties dialog entity arrivals name tab ProcessModel software

Connection name This name is used when mapping connections between different charts (main model and submodel). The Name tab is for hierarchical modeling only. See What is a Hierarchical Model?

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