Security Car Parallel Inspection

When you need to create a car/luggage inspection simulation for point of entrance to a building/compound.

Security Car Parallel Inspection model image

Where to Find the Model Object

The following model object can be found in the model objects directory:

  • Flow Control \ Security Car Parallel Inspection

Difficulty Level

  • Ease of Use: Moderate
  • Ease of Modification: Moderate

How to Use the Model Object

  1. Open Your Model: Open your model or create a new blank model.
  2. Insert the Model Object into Your Model
    1. Locate the model object Security Car Parallel Inspection and select the insert button.
    2. Move the cursor to the point of insertion and left mouse-click. The upper left corner of the model object will be inserted at the location of the mouse-click.
  3. Connect to Your Model
    1. Connect your entity arrival route to Staging.from your model to Security Car Parallel Inspection
    2. Connect a percentage route from Inspection Stations, or the Enter Facility to the rest of your model.from Security Car Parallel Inspection to your model The reason for two options is that you may want to skip the Enter Facility and have entities route directly to the rest of your model.from inspection in Security Car Parallel Inspection to your model
  4. Define Values: Define the values for scenario parameters s_Security_Level, s_Station_Queue_Size, s_Mix, s_Level1_Visitor, s_Level2_Visitor, s_Level3_Visitor, s_Level3_Visitor, s_Level2_Employee, s_Level3_Employee, s_Level1_VIP, s_Level2_VIP, and s_Level3_VIP based on the information provided under the head Scenario Parameters below.define scenario paramteres values in Security Car
  5. Update Action Logic: Update the action logic in Set Stations Open to open or close the number of stations available at any time in the simulation.update action logic in Security Car Parallel Inspection
  6. Update Objects:
    1. Change the time in Stagging to what maybe appropriate for your model.change stagging time in Security Car Parallel Inspection
    2. Change the time in all routes from Stagging to Inspection Queue#  to what maybe appropriate for your model.change stagging route time
    3. Change the time in all routes from Inspection Queue# to Inspection Station #  to what maybe appropriate for your model.change route time between inspection queue and station
    4. Change the time in all routes from Inspection Station # to Enter Facility (or the rest of your model)  to what maybe appropriate for your model.change route time between station and enter facility
    5. If Enter Facility is used, change the time in Enter Facility to what maybe appropriate for your model.change time on enter facility
    6. Change the names of Stagging, Inspection Queue#Inspection Station #, and Enter Facility to what maybe appropriate for your model.
  7. Completion: The model object is now integrated into your model, you should now be able to save and then simulate the model.

Controls Usage


  1. a_Inspection_Time: The inspection time each entity (car) will take.
  2. a_Type: Used to carry the descriptive values for Visitor, Employee, & VIP.
  3. a_Dir_Number: Used to tell entities to which inspection lane they will go.


  1. v_Sta_Open: Is used to define the number of inspection stations that are at each hour of the day.
  2. v_CntSt1-8: WIP in Line 1 – 8.
  3. v_IQS: Size of the queue in front of each inspection station. This is set by the scenario parameter s_Station_Queue_Size.

Scenario Parameters:

  1. s_Security_Level: The level of security the Visitor, Employee, or VIP is working in.
  2. s_Mix: Is used create a mix (distribution) of what type of entities (VIP, employees, visitors, etc) arrive at the inspection queue. Currently set to 80% visitors, 18% employee, and 2% VIPs.
  3. s_Station_Queue_Size: How large the queue may allowed to be in-front of the inspection station.
  4. s_Level1-3_Visitor: Time required by level 1 – 3 visitor to pass the inspection.
  5. s_Level1-3_Employee: Time required by level 1 – 3 employee to pass the inspection.
  6. s_Level1-3_VIP: Time required by level 1 – 3 VIP to pass the inspection.
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