What is the Sequence of Processing in ProcessModel?

The sequence of processing events as entities arrive at and leave activities, and route between activities is as following.

At an Activity

  1. Any batching function before an activity
  2. Get connected resources (Get or Get & Free)
  3. Attach child entities
  4. Perform action logic in the Action tab
  5. Perform processing time in the General tab
  6. Perform activity cost calculations
  7. Detach child entities
  8. Free connected resources (Free or Get & Free)
  9. Any batching function after an activity

At a Routing

  1. Get connected resources (Get or Get & Free)
  2. Perform action logic in the Action tab
  3. Perform routing move time in the General tab
  4. Free connected resources (Free or Get & Free)
  5. Perform routing cost calculations
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