How do I keep a Resource throughout Multiple Activities?

A resource is continuously used throughout a number of activities, including the moves from one activity to another. Useful in modeling resources such as case workers.

Suggested Technique

1. Connect the resource to the activity where the resource will first be used and select Get from the Type field in the properties dialog of the connection.

2. Connect the resource to the activity where the resource will last be used and select Free from the Type field in the properties dialog of the connection

  •  Alternatively, you may use the GET and FREE statements in the Action logic of the appropriate activities. Connected resources will always be captured before resources specified in a GET statement. On the other hand, resource connections that free a resource occur after any Action logic for the activity.

Example: Incoming jobs to a copy center are received, copied, and invoiced all by the same clerk in three consecutive steps.

Keep a Resource throughout Multiple Activities

TO DO: Connect the clerk to the Receive activity and select Get from the Type field in the properties dialog. Then connect the clerk to the Invoice activity and select Free from the Type field in the properties dialog.

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