Palletizing Products

When you need to create pallets of products the size of which may change based on the product type, and to complete customer orders when order quantity may not equal full pallet sizes.

Palletizing Products model image

Where to Find the Model Object

The following model object can be found in the model objects directory:

  • High Volume Production \ Palletizing Products

Difficulty Level

  • Ease of Use: Moderate
  • Ease of Modification: Moderate

How to Use the Model Object

  1. Open Your Model: Open your model or create a new blank model.
  2. Insert the Model Object into Your Model
    1. Locate the model object Palletizing Products and select the insert button.
    2. Move the cursor to the point of insertion and left mouse-click. The upper left corner of the model object will be inserted at the location of the mouse-click.
  3. Connect to Your Model
    1. Create a percentage route from your model to feed boxes to Storage2. If there are box rejects happening in the model, they must happen before this point.from your model to Palletizing Products
    2. Connect a percentage route from Pallet Weigh to the rest of your model.from Palletizing Products to the rest of the model
  4. Define Values
    1. Define the values for attribute a_BoxOrderQtya_IntBoxCode, and a_BoxPerPallet based on the information provided under the heading Attributes below. The values must be provided before simulating the model. The values must be provided before an entity enters Storage2.define attributes in Palletizing Products
  5. Update Objects: Change the names of the activities to what maybe appropriate for your model.
  6. Completion: The model object is now integrated into your model, you should now be able to save and then simulate the model.

Controls Usage


  1. a_BoxOrderQty: Defined via the scheduled arrivals, the number of boxes that need to be ordered. Must be provided by the user via the scheduled arrival for the Initialize entity.
  2. a_IntBoxCode: Defined via the scheduled arrivals, the value for this should change for every unique item, starting from 1 and then incrementing by 1. Must be provided by the user via the scheduled arrival for the Initializer entity. If there is only 1 type of item moving forward the value for this should be set to 1.
  3. a_BoxPerPallet: Defined via the scheduled arrivals. This attribute is used to provide the items to pack in a box. Must be defined by the user.
  4. a_Dir: Determines the initializer entity direction. Must not be changed by the user.
  5. a_CreateQty: Determines the quantity that needs to be created. Must not be changed by the user.
  6. a_RemainderQty: Used to calculate the leftover quantity to add to the last box.


  1. v_IntCounter1: Counter used internally for managing which item code to run. Must not be changed by the user.
  2. v_BoxRejectQty#: Reject quantity counter for box. User must update reject quantity If there are no rejects in the model there is no need to make changes to this variable.
  3. v_BoxCodeCounter1: Box code counter to check for the IntIBoxCode and send relevant items forward. Must not be changed by the user.
  4. v_GateCounterBoxes1: Gate to count how many items are sent forward to boxing. Must not be changed by the user.
  5. v_TBSentForPal1: Counts the total item that have been sent for boxing. Must not be changed by the user.
  6. v_PalBatchSize1: Stores the value of the current batch size. Must not be changed by the user.
  7. v_TPPacked#: Counts total boxes packed. Must not be changed by the user.
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