Lab Arrivals with Priority

When you need to analyze your raw data and prepare it to represent the arrivals of an laboratory with priority levels. This can be used with other lab objects or to feed into a model created from scratch.

Where to Find the Model Object

The following model object can be found in the model objects directory:

  • Lab \ Lab Arrivals with Priority

Difficulty Level

  • Ease of Use: Easy
  • Ease of Modification: Easy

How to Use the Model Object

  1. Open Your Model: Open your model or create a new blank model.
  2. Insert the Model Object into Your Model
    1. Locate the model object Lab Arrivals with Priority and select the insert button.
    2. Move the cursor to the point of insertion and left mouse-click. The upper left corner of the model object will be inserted at the location of the mouse-click.
  3. Connect to Your Model: Connect the percentage route leaving the black box to the rest of your model.
  4. Open the Excel File: Right click on the Sample Arrivals Sheet Excel icon and click on the third option from the bottom to open the Sample Arrivals vx-x Excel file, where x-x represents the version number of the Excel file.Before using this Excel file for the first time, or after changing your model name, make sure that a manual export of data is done via ProcessModel. From your model, click Tools \ Export Data, click ‘Yes’ to all prompts until the data export file opens, close the data file and then use this Excel file.Click Enable Content if promptedEnable Macro
  5. Enter Raw Data
    1. Paste your raw arrivals in column A, from row 3 onwards.Sample data must be removed prior to entry of your data.You must provide at-least 24 weeks worth of data
    2. Paste your raw acuity in column B, from row 3 onwards.
    3. Enter the highest priority in your data in cell C3In ProcessModel, priorities with the highest number receive the highest priority. The attached Excel spreadsheet will transform you priority numbers so that they will work with the simulation. See the priority section of the attached spreadsheet for further details.
  6. Prepare Arrival Data for ProcessModel: Follow instructions to install Histogram add-on before using the sheet
    1. Click the button titled Prepare Arrival Data for ProcessModel and allow 1 minute for the analysis (depends on the speed of your processor and the size of the file). Once completed you will land on the Small Lab worksheet.
  7. Choose Small or Large Lab: After preparing your data for ProcessModel, choose one of the following two paths and then goto the relevant worksheet.
    1. Small Lab: When there is nominal difference in the daily pattern between day to day arrivals in the data. Daily volumes will be different.
    2. Large Lab: When there is major difference of patterns between days of the week (i.e. Sundays have a daily pattern different from Mondays).
  8. Copy Data to ProcessModel: The rest of the instructions will be the same for Small or Large Lab.
    1. Copy the data in column B from B5 onwards by pressing the Copy Arrivals button.Copy Arrivals Data
    2. Goto ProcessModel and open Stat::Fit via Tools \ Stat::Fit.
    3. Paste the data into Stat::Fit.Paste in Stat-Fit
    4. Fit the data into a distribution by clicking Auto-fit in the toolbar and then data in stat-fit
    5. Review the acceptable distributions and then click Export from the toolbar.export distribution from stat-fit
    6. Select the acceptable distribution from the Fitted Distribution and then click OK.choose distribution for export
    7. Return to ProcessModel, click on the arrival route and then paste (CTRL + V) the distribution in the Quantity per arrival field in the Properties Dialog.

      Make sure you remove the old distribution before pasting the new one in.

    8. Return to the Excel file and click Copy Action Logic.