Shift Timer

When the simulation is being run continuously reflecting multiple shifts, one after another. This timer help make display the current shift time, the day of the week and the week number, or  to certain logic needs to be deployed based on specific shift times, day or week. This model object allows you to query the time of day and the week number.

Shift Timer model image

Where to Find the Model Object

The following model object can be found in the model objects directory:

  • Time \ Shift Timer

Difficulty Level

  • Ease of Use: Easy
  • Ease of Modification: Easy

How to Use the Model Object

  1. Open your model: Open your model or create a new blank model.
  2. Insert the Model Object into your model: Locate the model object Shift Timer and select the insert button.
    • Move the cursor to the point of insertion and left mouse-click. The upper left corner of the model object will be inserted at the location of the mouse-click.
  3. Update Objects: Update the scenario parameters according to your requirements, based on the information provided under the heading Scenario Parameters below. The values for these Scenario Parameters must be provided before the simulation start.update scenarios in Shift Timer
  4. Completion: The model object is now integrated into your model, you should now be able to save and then simulate the model.

Controls Usage


  1. v_TimeOfDay1: Do not change. Stores the current time of day based on the shift. Do not change the variable value.
  2. v_DayOfWeek1: Do not change. Stores the current day of week based on the shift. Do not change the variable value.
  3. v_WeekNum1: Do not change. Stores the current week number based on the shift. Do not change the variable value.

Scenario Parameters:

  1. s_Clock_Off_0: User input required. Used to turn the timer on or off. 1 = On, 0 = Off.
  2. s_LengthOfDay: User input required. Used to declare the length of each day / shift.
  3. s_TotalWorkDays: User input required. Used to declare total work days in a week.
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