High Volume Arrivals

Use this to schedule very high volume (greater than 20,000) for one or several parts numbers. This allows the flexibility of using scheduled arrivals to plan the start and sequence of production for different entities with extremely high volumes.

High Volume Arrivals model image

 This allows the flexibility of using scheduled arrivals to plan the start and sequence of production for different entities with extremely high volumes. The normal method of using scheduled arrivals would push too many entities into the model at one time and slow the simulation. Using this method, only entities that can be used by the model will be allowed to start production. This limits the number of entities in the system at one time.

Where to Find the Model Object

The following model object will be used:

  • Arrivals \ High Volume Arrivals

How to Use the Model Object

  1. Open Your Model: Open your model or create a new blank model.
  2. Insert the Model Object into Your Model
    1. Locate the model object High Volume Arrivals and select the insert button.
    2. Move the cursor to the point of insertion and left mouse-click. The upper left corner of the model object will be inserted at the location of the mouse-click.
  3. Connect to Your Model
    1. Connect the existing route from HV InQ1 to the remainder of your model.connect hv inq1 to your model
  4. Define when an order for High-Volume production needs to enter the model
    1. Schedule in product types and when the products will arrive using the scheduled arrivals.schedule products in High Volume Arrivals
    2. Update action logic for each arrival, change the attribute values for each scheduled arrival.The attributes a_ItemOrderQty and a_IntItemCode are required inputs from the userUse Import Scheduled Arrivals to import data into ProcessModelsetting arrivals for High Volume Arrivals
      Where a_IntItemCode refers to the product code and a_ItemOrderQty refers to the quantity needed
    3. Update the names in the Storage action logic to match the names of graphics used in your model.change logic in hv inq1Change the name of created entity based on a_IntItemCode.
  5. Completion: The model object is now integrated into your model, you should now be able to save and then simulate the model.

Controls Usage


  1. a_ItemOrderQty: Defined via the scheduled arrivals, the number of items that need to be ordered. Must be provided by the user via the scheduled arrival for the Initializer entity.
  2. a_IntItemCode: Defined via the scheduled arrivals, the value for this should change for every unique item, starting from 1 and then incrementing by 1. Must be provided by the user via the scheduled arrival for the Initializer entity.
  3. a_CreateQty: Determines the quantity that needs to be created. Must not be changed by the user.
  4. a_Dir Determines: the initializer entity direction. Must not be changed by the user.Used when combined with other High-volume Model Objects
  5. a_ProductSize: This is the length of the conveyor (keep the units consistent).
  6. a_RemainderQty: Used to calculate the leftover quantity to add to the last box.
  7. a_ItemsPerBox: In other HV Model Objects this is used to determine the number of entities to put into a box. It will partially fill a box if remainder quantity is not enough.
  8. a_BoxesPerPallet: In other HV Model Objects to determine the number of boxes to create a full pallet. It will partially fill a pallet if the remainder of boxes is not enough to fill a pallet.


  1. v_IntCounter1: Counter used internally for managing which item code to run. Must not be changed by the user.
  2. v_IntGate1 Gate used internally for managing part arrivals.
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