Displaying Custom Statistics on the Screen

To display custom statistics on screen during the simulation.


  1. Display the door to doc time or doc to discharge time
  2. Display the WIP quantity.
  3. Display the % on time delivery.

Where to Find the Model Object

The following Model Object will be used to display the values:

  • Visual Indicator \ Display Variable – #

How to Use the Model Object

  1. Open Your Model
  2. Insert the Model Object in Your Model: Locate the appropriate location where you would like to place the model object, move the view to the location and then insert the model object.
  3. We will change the text on the labels and change the variable reference in the properties dialog box, delete any additional lines that you do not need.

Outputs Available

Simulate the Model

Advanced Topic

Question: What if I need more than 10 labels?

Answer: Insert the same Model Object again, delete the header and align the labels below the ones already added, if things don’t align correctly goto ‘Arrange \ Grid’ and turn off ‘Snap to Grid’. Change the text on the labels and change the variable reference in the properties dialog box, delete any additional lines that you do not need.

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