This Model Object automatically analyzes raw arrival data, creates distributions, and imports the restructured data into ProcessModel. You provide historical data, and this model object almost performs magic. The details of what it does are as follows:
- Analyzes the data.
- Shows a graphical summary of raw data.
- Finds the arrival quantities for each day of the week.
- Removes outliers.
- Shows data needing conversion to a distribution.
- Creates the daily distribution to spread arrivals over the hour of the day.
- Automatically imports the data into ProcessModel.
Where to Find the Model Object
The following model object will be used to create daily pattern arrivals for healthcare and import data into ProcessModel:
- Arrivals \ Daily Pattern Arrivals.
Difficulty Level
- Ease of Use: Easy
- Ease of Modification: Easy
How to Use the Model Object
- Open Your Model: Open your model or create a new blank model.
- Locate this model object.
- Insert the Model Object into Your Model:
- Locate where you would like to place the model object.
- Move the layout as needed, click the insert button for the model object, and click on the layout target location.
- Connect to Your Model: Connect the route exiting from activity Priority_Calculator_# to the rest of your model.
.. - Open the Excel File: Right-click on the Daily Pattern Arrivals Sheet Excel icon and click on the third option from the bottom to open the Daily Pattern Arrivals v-x-x Excel file, where x-x represents the version number of the Excel file.
Before using this Excel file for the first time, or after changing your model name, ensure that a manual data export is done via ProcessModel. From your model, click Tools \ Export Data, click ‘Yes’ to all prompts until the data export file opens, close the data file, then use this Excel file. Click Enable Content if prompted.
.. - Enter Raw Data: The Input worksheet appears after opening the Daily Pattern Arrivals vx-x Excel file.
.- Copy your date and time data and paste it into cell A3. Use at least six months of data. Use the Excel date and time format. See the sample data included.
. - Copy your priority levels and paste them into cell B3, where 1 is the highest acuity. The priority values must be integers between 1 and 9. If priority is not needed, leave column B empty.
. - Enter holidays into cell C3. The holidays are optional and are only used to show the effect of holidays on volumes.
- Copy your date and time data and paste it into cell A3. Use at least six months of data. Use the Excel date and time format. See the sample data included.