Daily Pattern Arrivals Healthcare

When you need to analyze your raw data and prepare it to represent the arrivals of an Emergency Department with patient acuity levels. This can be used with the Triage model object or to feed into a model created from scratch.

Daily Pattern Arrivals Healthcare

Where to Find the Model Object

The following model object will be used to create daily pattern arrivals for healthcare and import data into ProcessModel:

  • Arrivals \ Daily Pattern Arrivals Healthcare

Difficulty Level

  • Ease of Use: Easy
  • Ease of Modification: Easy

How to Use the Model Object

  1. Open Your Model: Open your model or create a new blank model.
  2. Insert the Model Object into Your Model: Locate the appropriate location in your model where you would like to place the model object, move the view to the location and then insert the model object.
  3. Connect to the Rest of the Model: Connect the route exiting from activity Acuity to the rest of your model.

    connect Daily Pattern Arrivals Healthcare to rest model

  4. Open the Excel File: Right click on the Daily Pattern Arrivals Healthcare Sheet Excel icon and click on the third option from the bottom to open the Daily Pattern Arrivals Healthcare v-x-x Excel file, where x-x represents the version number of the Excel file.Opening Daily Pattern Arrivals Healthcare sheetBefore using this Excel file for the first time, or after changing your model name, make sure that a manual export of data is done via ProcessModel. From your model, click Tools \ Export Data, click ‘Yes’ to all prompts until the data export file opens, close the data file and then use this Excel file.

    Click Enable Content if promptedEnable Macro

  5. Enter Raw Data: Once the Daily Pattern Arrivals Healthcare vx-x Excel file opens you should land on the Input worksheet.
    1. Copy your date and time data and paste into cell A3. You need at least 6 months of data. Use the Excel date and time format, sample data is included.
    2. Copy your acuity / priority levels and paste them into cell B3. Enter the number that is considered the highest acuity level in your system. You must provide a value between 1 to 9, based on what the highest acuity is in your data. Where 1 is the highest acuity.

      If you do not have acuity data you can leave the column empty.

    3. Enter any holidays into cell C3. The holidays are optional and are only used to help you review data before import.

      Sample data must be removed prior to entry of your data.

      You must provide at-least 24 weeks worth of data

      Have UK dates and time? Use the UK Dates Converter

  6. Prepare Arrival Data for ProcessModel: Click the button titled Prepare Arrival Data for ProcessModel and allow 1 minute for the analysis (depends on the speed of your processor and the size of the file). Once completed you will land on the OutputA worksheet.

    Follow instructions to install Histogram add-on before using the sheet

  7. Review Your Data: After you have clicked the button titled Prepare Arrival Data for ProcessModel and have landed on the OutputA worksheet, you can start reviewing your data to make sure that anomalies make sense and if not there are removed.
    1. Arrivals by Day of Week & Holidays: The first thing you will find on the OutputA worksheet are the arrivals listed by day of week. The green highlight is a legend for holiday, based on step 5.3 above.

      You can review the daily data and see if you can find anomalies, if the anomalies you find do not make sense, you can delete them. For example; See cell C14 in the screenshot below, the value is 101 which is unusual for the day, you may decide to keep the anomaly or remove it based on your scenario. It maybe that the day was a holiday which was not entered or certain day of the year where you expect more arrivals or it’s part of your process, in all these cases, you may decide to keep the data.

      Daily Pattern Arrivals Healthcare review daily arrivals
      When deleting anomalies, make sure that you do not remove the row but only delete the value from the cell

      removing anomoly Daily Pattern Arrivals Healthcare
      You can then also review the Arrivals by Day graph by scrolling right. This may reveal interesting facts about your data, like the graph below reveals that Friday usually has the least number of arrivals, while Wednesday usually has the highest.