What is a Create Route?

A Create routing defines the creation of additional entities either before or after an activity. Created entities (such as a created order) can later be reattached to the creating entity or to some other entity by using the Attach or Pickup routing. To use an analogy, a Parent has a Child (create). The child is related to the parent and may be reunited with its unique parent at a later point in the model.

Most of the time a create route is in addition to a percentage route (the parent). If no percentage route is used with the create route, the creating entity exits the system.

The starting time for a created entity is when it is created not when the parent starts in the simulation.

This routing is often used with the attach routing (but it is not required) to form a closed loop “request and report back” system. Combined with the attach routing, the create routing forms a powerful combination with many uses in service, manufacturing and healthcare systems.

An example of the create routing follows: Phone orders are received by an Administrative group. After taking the order and entering the information into the system, the admin sends notification (create routings) of the order to Sales, Engineering and Accounting. Each of these groups has a part to play in assuring that the order is properly approved before the product can be released to production. The admin continues to work on the order (percentage routing) at the same time the other departments are completing their work.

In healthcare there are many examples of work completed in parallel with patient requirements (Lab, X-ray, Pharmacy, etc.).

In manufacturing, a create route can be used to initiate when elements of an assembly need to be started in the production area (combine with delays for different part types and resetting the cyclestart attribute).

 If you use a Create route to create a new entity, all user defined attributes are inherited as well as the system created ID attribute. However, all other system created attributes (Cost, CycleStart, Name, VATime) are not inherited.


• A customer order may have many separate parts that require parallel processing. For example an order may require a credit check from the finance department and a feasibility confirmation from engineering while the order is being processed. The create route is used to start all of the separate parts of the order. The attach route can be used to assure that the separate parts of the order are all accounted for before the order is completed. See “Attach” in Chapter 3.6.2.

Properties dialog entity routing create route ProcessModel software
Properties dialog entity routing create route ProcessModel software

• The quantity created can be controlled by an attribute on the parent. This technique is useful for the arrival of a truck that will “unload” a unique amount of entities. See “Attributes” in Chapter 3.12.3.

Create route example
Create route example

Create After Activity or Before Activity The new entity may be created and routed before or after the activity time and Action logic occur. If created before the activity, it may be reattached to the originating entity at the activity itself.

Move Time Time to move to the next activity or storage. Any expression is valid.

Quantity The quantity of entities to be created (0 – 9999). Any expression is valid and is evaluated each time a creation occurs. A value of zero causes the creation to be ignored. This means that creations can occur based on system conditions or entity attributes.

Created Entity Name The name of the newly created entity. To define a different graphic for this new entity, place a new entity object for it on the layout (it does not need to be connected to another object).

Routing Types

The following routing types are available:

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