Model Objects

Add a Clock to Your Model

When users want to see the exact time of day and day of week during the simulation. The simulation run...

Batching the Remainder of the Order

Complete the order by batching the remaining quantity of the order.   Where to Find the Model Object The following...

Do All 4 Except

To perform the activity that a resource is available to complete, to complete all activities in any order unless the...

Early, on Time, or Late Arrivals

To simulate people arriving for an event such as a doctor’s appointment, or to watch a movie, where some people...

Flexible Workcell Arrivals

When you need to establish a method of reading in the daily production schedule for a workcell and to create...

Daily Pattern Arrivals

This Model Object automatically analyzes raw arrival data, creates distributions, and imports the restructured data into ProcessModel. You provide historical...

Disaster Arrivals Daily

To create arrivals according to a pattern when given only daily summary information. What you have, and what you need...

Disaster Arrivals Weekly

To create arrivals according to a pattern when given only weekly summary information. What you have, and what you need...

Displaying Custom Statistics on the Screen

To display custom statistics on screen during the simulation. Example Display the door to doc time or doc to discharge...

Hold Tote Until Contents Removed

When the creating entity (parent) is not required to stay in the location until the created entities (children) have reach...

How to Create an Interface

When you need to create an interface for your model. The interface will allow you to change multiple scenario parameter...

Identifying Number of Resources Needed

The output report provides an average utilization with the length of the simulation. That may not present the information you...

Import Healthcare Scheduled Arrivals

In a scenario where you would like to import real-life data into ProcessModel, along with attribute values that can define...

Import Scheduled Arrivals

When you need to schedule many entities that have unique attributes. When schedules needs to be changed, or modified quickly...

Manual Centrifuge

Use this Model Object when you need to represent the behavior of a manual centrifuge or multiple centrifuges. There can...